22 May 2009


So, a lot has been going on recently: AAM in Philly, graduation from GW, and the job search. One of my closest museum friends, Val, started up her own museum blog a few months back and it reminded me that I had saved this site years ago, back before every museum had its own blog. I like to think of myself as ahead of the curve, but museYUM languished here, as if I didn't think that museums are the tastiest. And I do!

But with a new found energy from the conference and graduation and a drive to put my best foot forward in the job search, I am awakening this sleepy little corner of the interwebs. Check back for my random musings (yuk, yuk) on this whole museum thing, along with some of my favorite past projects.

And I promise to keep the puns to a minimum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got a hankering for more juicy posts so don't keep us a'waiting! Thanks so much for the props, but you're the one doing all the shining here, you star!