27 May 2009

Thoughts on the Future

Last week, I participated in an interview project for AAM's Center for the Future of Museums.

This is certainly something I'm thinking about a lot on a small scale- namely, MY future in museums. For the first time in four years, I'm not behind the scenes in any way: not a job, an internship, or graduate course has me with a badge or access card. And with my changing (some may say emerging) position in the muse-iverse, I find it comforting and exciting that the nature of museums themselves are in flux with me.

But enough reflection- you want to know what I think beyond my own professional arc! In my interview, I focused on what I see as the increasing role of visitors in the creation of museum exhitbitions and projects. This is something that I've thought about since I started my grad studies at Tufts in 2006 but since AAM in Philly, it has been more at the forefront of my mind. While I am more than excited to put my degree to good use (anyone need an exhibit developer? grant writer? general museum lackey?), I am fully aware (and excited that) museums are sites for the public. I'm not for creating exhibits for my fellow curators or museum professionals' benefit; I am interested in being a part of an experience that produces a product that a community feels connected to and a part of.

What about your thoughts? What do you see for the future of museums? Be sure to check back. Once they've posted my interview online, you will most certainly want to hear it. Not only do I talk with my hands, but I also mention kielbasa. And what's a professional interview without Polish sausage.

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